As your eyelashes are always in a cycle of growth, it is hard to determine which natural eyelash is ready to naturally fall out when synthetic eyelash extensions are applied. You are expected to daily loose 3-5 natural lashes. This has been happening all of your life without any sort of notice-unless an eyelash falls into your eye. Yet, after your new eyelash extensions have been added, you are more conscience of your eyelashes and any eyelash activity.
In addition, you will notice when an eyelash falls out because these are darker and thicker lashes, as the synthetic lashes are glued to your natural lash. In addition, changing a few habits may help prevent your eyelashes from falling out. If you naturally sleep on your stomach, this pressure on your eyelashes could cause more breakage. Avoid this altogether and learn to sleep on your back or on your side. In addition, this is better for your overall facial skin as well.