Your stunning new synthetic eyelash extensions should last approximately 2-4 weeks. The key is to take good care of them and make sure that you clean off eye make up properly. Unlike other false claims, this is a semi-permanent beauty procedure, so any claim of permanent extensions or lashes that last over two months are not valid. The life cycle of your natural lash is just under a month. When your natural lash grows and falls off, so will the synthetic lash that is attached to your natural lash. Your hair and nails can give you an indication how fast your eyelashes may grow.
If they grow quickly then you should assume your natural eyelashes are also growing quickly renewing and shedding. On the other hand, your friend may have slow growing hair and even if the two of you added eyelash extensions the same day, your friend’s synthetic eyelashes may last up to a week longer. In addition, the conditions that you live in can make a difference. If you are an artist working with hot glass, your lashes may not last as long as if you were working in an air conditioned office.